Gourmet and Responsible House

Maison Gourmande et Responsable promotes a responsible catering service, serving the pleasure and quality of life of residents. The approach supports 500 establishments throughout France for 2 years on the main issues related to catering. The initiators of the approach are the FNAQPA (National Federation for the Future and Quality of Life of the Elderly) and ADEF RESIDENCES. Free tools by theme: - methodology (self-diagnosis, action plan) -Mealtime (mealtime satisfaction survey, range calculation tool) - food waste (weighing tutorial, weighing tables and posters) - undernutrition (tutorial on enrichment and adapted textures) Videos to learn about the challenges: among others (promoting the meal environment, assessing nutritional status, eating by hand...).

Name and profession

Nutrition & Health Officer

Name of organization

Clubster NSL / Eurasanté



Creator name

Maison Gourmande et Responsable

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